segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2015

You have two things

A bicycle and a tennis ball.

Where do you put the ball and where do you put the bicycle.

You have all the time in the world to do it. I give you time for it.
Everything have it´s time and sometimes things met together in a time and in a place. For some reason or no reason, things and made and sometimes things happen.
Things may be related with each other or not.
You have thousands of options and the right to chose.

Just don´t be stupid or a son of a bitch.

Não sejas casmurro e estupido.
Be smart

Se te falta intelegencia, não queiras aprender com as cabeças intelegentes e espertas dos macacus, com muito para pensar.

Who are you, what do you know about people´s live and who d´fuck are you to judge people´

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