sexta-feira, 10 de julho de 2015

It´s in recension (Canada)

Unemployment here, 13,50 14 %,1,2 million people unemployed.

There aren´t resources, infrastructures and industry. There isn´t  Portuguese investment, only some foreign investments that are killing the small and the medium Portuguese enterprises.
 There´s no government and private money to invest.
But there are some exploring the workers and earning lots of money.
 Even if there was, the money wouldn´t be invested in infrastructures and industry, which is the most needed step for a country´s development and for the people.
Production, manufacture, sales. money... It´s a circle that it´s good for everyone. That serve everyone.
As long as the money is in circulation, better for everyone. And here and in everything in live, there are some more intelligent than others. Mathematicians, economists and lucky ones.

The state (government) and private are taking, are sacking the people and not giving. The minimum wage explain some of many issues. There´s and there will be always some kind of taxes to pay.
Things are always made with the government and the private policies. Everywhere, some places more than others.

What there´s most here, secretaries.
That serve who´
Those in the government, the state, the media. Those...

I don´t think that i´m smarter than you, i just think that there are things to say. People have things to say. People will not be always hearing what you say. There´s time and place and there will be a time and a place when people will have to say something. Unless you´re always right. Unless people agree in everything you say. Unless everything is ok. Which is not the case and the situation.

There are billions of dollars that have been put in the economy of this country.
Here, not even a million!

People need the resources, People need employment, need jobs. People need the state support.  Which is given in many countries around the world. The riches give more support. Family support. children, school, health care support.
Who can invest in infrastructures, in the industry´ Only those with money, the state and private investments.
... There´s a difference between the state and the government. They are not the same.
State - government - state

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