domingo, 26 de julho de 2015

The World

Marina and the diamonds - Hollywood

Obama went to Kenya on Holidays

tv channels alerts, breaking news and news papers front lines.
obama talks about gay rights, sexual abuse and sexual assault
The most important issue and the issue that all the world wanted to hear most.
Does the world want this, like this´
It´s all bulshit! It´s a minority´s job, that want to rule the world and is using the media to do it.
What kind of news is this and whose news and job is this´

As long as they get payed and as long as they eat, presenters, journalists and reporters will keep doing the job for the organization.
Whose organization´
Obama din´t went to Kenya to talk about diseases and health care or wars and crime in Africa.
Fernanda, the richest women in africa. obama, also didn´t talk from where and from who it came, The gold and the diamond mines exploration were closed for Holidays.
No one talk about business.
obama didn`t wanted to talk about the american oil platforms exploration in Kenya, but Obama said the americans are Happy with it as well with the diamonds and gold business.
Ex Portuguese Judiciary director, doesn´t have an Happy answer as obama have about race. The ex director is Kenyan but he´s white, Or is he brown´ Is there a  problem on this´ Maybe there´s! Race issues! Health care and diseases issues. Poverty, hunger, robbery, crime, wars...

A prestação de serviço português por africa e pelos animais ptez aafrica.
angola cabo verde guine mozambique são tome
angola cabo verde guine mozambique são tome
Nigeria, Ghana, Congo, Gabon, Zaire, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe...
This is what you should talk about in the news. This is what you should show and inform to the world. This is what you should care. This is what you hide. This is the reality, the truth in Africa, This is what should be your job.
This is all bullshit!
This is what you don´t talk about in the news. This is what you don´t show and inform to the world. This is what you don´t care. This is what you hide. This is the reality, the truth in Africa, This is not your job.
This is the world biggest health problem.

Monkeys diseases and other diseases.
 This is what have been spreading around the world. Monkey.
crime and wars.

This is all bullshit!

 American and British Business, diamonds, gold and oil.


I´m not a robot
No, you´re not!

All the yellow line, cascais line, was and have been attacked for this job and for business.
Girlfriends, boyfriends, jobs, artistes and money buying everything and everyone. Doing the organization and the animals job.
Whores payed to do their job. Whores transmitting diseases. Monkeys
It sells, news, newspapers, magazines.
Alcohol at the bars and discotheques and prostitution luxury houses.
The T have been used all over the world and have been use as a weapon to make Africa´s organization job.
Isn´t all this a brown job´ Why can´t it be a white job´ Fearless´...
Why do the browns step in the whites live and why the whites do not step in the browns live´
What do the brown´s want´ What´s their job, their reasons and why´ Why are browns steeping up, making their rules and roles all around the world. Do the whites do it in Africa´ Yes they did. south Africa is the biggest example of it. The british and the americans  (germans) took the power in south africa. Then later, the apartheid happen.
South Africa have one of the biggest golden and diamond mines in Africa. Is it the reason why the british and the americans took the power in South Africa´
The world´s largest  diseases cases is in south africa.
South Africa, diseases, crime, wars and business.
South Africa, population, education, culture, history...

Children, girls, women and neighbours, have been used by the animals against people.
Everything and everyone that the animals can use against people, they use.
Children, girls, women have been assaulted and abused sexually.
The T have been used as weapon against people. As well drugs.
This have been the organization, the animals weapon against people, against all odds, against the world.
They do all this and more, but they take it to people and use it against people.
The clean sheet. Everything is used to attack people. Everything is used to disperse their own issues to others, to clean their job and their asses.

Little ones

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