terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2015


The television spend  hours and hours talking about Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Ukrania....
Talking about the Greece economic crises.
24 hours / 24 hours
What people want and would like to hear and to see on the television news´
Certainly not news about and from africa, but news about and from America and Canada. News from England, Scotland and Ireland.
First, the Americans want to show to the world their power. They think they rule the world. They want to rule the world.... As Nuno Rogério told in a Portuguese channel, RtP, "The Americans think that they are the police, the cops of the world..." Until now there weren´t taken any kind of sanctions against the Americans.
Beginning with the Vietnamese's, Japan, Iraki and other country´s sanction against the American crimes.
Second, war it´s business. Armament, weaponry, oil and the control of all the regions and business around  the world
Third, hiding and protecting the country.

If you care, talk about africa, do something for africa. Show africa to the world on the television news.
Show the realities and the truths about africa.
Africa it´s about business. Diamonds, gold and oil. About things where there´s no interest to talk about it to the world. Because it´s business.
Health care issues, it´s also hide to the world. It´s the world biggest problem.

Europe, South America, North America, Asia, Oceania.
Do People care about Africa´
They don´t. They don´t  really care about africa, even you and you and you!

People have their own issues. People care for their own issues. People care about the American and the Canadian issues. British, Scottish and Irish issues. Northern country´s Issues, Asian issues. Europe issues. South American issues.
People care about their life, about living, about many things in life. Family, friends, jobs, money, food, houses, cars, travels, entertainment, movies, art, sports, so many things... environment, health care, peace.

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