quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015

You could have been my good wife.

Talking points.
No summer break. There are no places for any kind of talks.
Disagreements here and there.Wasting time reading the rules and the laws of the house. They are none. Mornings without the sunlight. Days without food. Disorder days. Bad policies. Drying nights. Nights without sleep. In common sense, we spend to much time in it´s end. The mail box it´s empty. The dog just left the entire house in a mess. It´s better to file for divorce.

To reunite things, making a politic analyse in the house. First, it will be responsible to define democracy.
It´s sure that some changes will be necessary. For a start, opening the windows and the doors in need to regain the fresh air in house. In second place, to have good and peaceful dialogues between the walls. In third place, having the house cleaned and not the house with land mines. In fourth place, the bills and the spendings will have to be established. The resources and the earnings must be more than less. In fifth place... investment...
Two million barrels per day...
You could have been my good wife. It was all that i wanted. But you aren´t, i had to take the dog and you to the office.
At least some knowledge. But it´s not important, in fact you really don´t care. It doesn´t make part of your network and interests.
Finding this infuriating. it isn´t solving problems or improving things. What to do´ Finding and searching for solutions. Women are also qualified.
Heaven on earth

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