segunda-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2016


At time there was crime, drugs, prostitution and some other kind of things as the t aasss and still there´s. You´re racists. More than any other persons. 
People´s protest have to do with this kind of things. People´s protest it´s because you stepping in people´s live and causing problems to people.
Why don´t you stay in your place doing your own live, instead stepping in people´s live with your rules, roles, laws, education, inferiority, envy, greed and stupidity. your job and the t aasss´
Do it to your own and let the people live their live.

It all have to do with the t aasss, the t aassss of science and your own job.
It all have to do with diseases, mostly in africa with the browns that have been spreading many diseases all over the world.
Why people have to live with it´ Would you like to live with all the shit that you did and all the shit that you do´,

I had some brown friends and i never had any problem with them.
On the contrary, burritos it´s all bullshit. It´s pig´s bullshit. It´s the t aassss and the pig´s interests and job.

You´re not Black or White. You´re not brown or the Colors of the rainbow. Blue, Rose, Purple, Green. Orange, Yellow. You´re brown.
You´re not our family and friends. Our History, Our Past, Present and Future. In all of this, You´re brown.

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