sábado, 24 de outubro de 2015



This is one of your stupid jobs.

 This is your Father

This is your mother

                            Mozambique Mucumbu
                           Fernando Brown ptez

This is the animals job and sickness
Murcôes Casmurros de Merda 
Merda mijo casa 

Policia macaca e macaquinha

People question who this animals think they are´ 
Who are this mother fuckers to play with people´s lives.
What do they want´
What they are asking´

It will be better for people and for everyone to not answer to it´

This is the people ass and the cause of many things, of many problems in people´s live.
Why people have to live with the shit of others´
Why people have to live with what your are imposing in people´s live´
Why people have to live with your stupid job´
Why people have to live with the problems, sickness and other kind of things that it´s causing to people´s live with your stupid shit´

How many times do people have to say it´

This is us

You´re not Tom Hanks. (((I am Tom Hanks))) in some of the movies. Even if the uaasssss have been changing or trying to change what was done, what was it and who was who.. Even the uaassss is changing and mixing everything and everyone. Which is nothing than an attempt to clean what they were doing and what they did as well now, to clean their asses.
The uaassss it´s not the USA. The uaasss it´s the uaassss.
People were not and are not browns. Even if the uassss have benn working in and with it since a while ago because of the t aassss job.
Animals are browns. People not.
What´s happening it´s because the uaassss left their parents and their children to the dogs.It´s because the uaassss have to clean all the shit that have been doing everywhere and with everyone. It´s becaise the uaassss needs you to keep doing their job. To defend themselves and their job
It´s because the uassss needed someone that could walk in the ptez media, in the politics, in the government departments and institution and other places. It´s because the uassss have payed  and it´s paying for it
People are not sicks or tviiis, newspapers, dogs, donkeys or monkeys.
Sicks sis The colors have nothing to do with any animal or person, butt the sicks and the pig have their job and interests, so they have been telling a lie with it. It´s and it was a lie. This have nothing to do with the donkeys. it have to do with what they saw in some people´s personal things and the pjsis aa. 
The ptez media are selling their news butt mostly their interests.
The sicks don´t give a shit for the animals, Who da fuck were and are the animals for the sicks. Who were or who are the donkeys for the sicks´. The sicksaa just have interests in it. The donkeys are bullshit butt the donkeys have been used to do some things in their own interests.
People are not animals, Africans t ass or Brazilians t ass. Animals that do everything for the money and for their own interests.
Tv iiiis iiis your ass

Portuguese story in sea waters 

Who was and who´s Tom Hanks. Well Tom Hanks is Tom Hanks.

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