sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2015


Chuck table or nife, boxe, fight´

Yellow or red´
Yellow and red´

 Água é vida
Cova da Piadade, margen sul
Casa Branca´

Holy smoke or Food poison´

Jesus Christ or t aassss´
Sickness, personal, education, t aassss
Animals sickness it´s the people sickness
Animals are the sickness of the people

T aassss
Fresh poo or what´
Cagalhão fresco 
Organism is in constant changement
What you drink and what you drink
Organic, piss, poo and blood`
Photo, rx or what´

 Casa branca or where´
T AASSSS, animals or who else´
Computer scan antonio xavier

Doctors engineers, psychologists
Animals personal and private sickness and interests

Health care
Diseases, animals, pigs, donkeys, dogs, african monkeys and brasilians.

Personal and private interests and power

Media, information, newspapers, news. prostitution, drugs


Avenida Salvador da Baia Oeiras nº 18

Street artists and job, animals.

António de Alcantara
Poo Building, Stage  6 5 4 3
Pigs and donkeys

Cascais, pigs and donkeys... organization ok too
Drugs, prostitution, business, bars... money

White it´s not brown.
People don´t let the animals or the organization mix everything and everyone. Don´t let the animals do their job

People´s family, friends and others are not browns, never were and never will be.

But people have to live with this sickness and stupidity, it´s the animals t aassss job.

 Knowing through the years somethings from other people, the animals made it to their own things.

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