segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2014



all the information that you are giving and trying to pass on, it´s bullshit, it´s an ass job.
you are dissimulating things, you are trying to hide things. you are not defending me, you are trying to hide my blogs to the public, to the people.

why don´t you inform on the news, my blogs addresses´
instead, you are changing the subject to bullshit things. Portuguese colonies, Portuguese African cummunities. tvptez and neswpapers

yesterday, I've inform my blogs addresses, but you are dissimulating things. you are telling stories, your own stories in your own interests. in every kind of way.
you are giving information that doesn´t correspond to the reality, you are trying to create confusion. you are defending yourselves behind others, you are killing

English and French world news organization

une organization des chiens.
your bullshit, your job, the animals, and most of all, your interests, your reasons.

inform the people

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